DUE DATE: Friday, October 26, 5 PM
For Sprint 2, you and your team are charged with creating a more usable version of the Battleship game.
After the first version (Sprint 1) was released, we conducted focus group testing and found that users were complaining about the game interface being unusable. As a team, you have been tasked with creating a more usable interface for the next version.
Leaning Goals for this Sprint
This assignment will help you learn the following:
- Work with a team to design a user interface
- Communiciate your design of a user interface
- Divide tasks among team members
- Use Github Issue Tracking, Pull Requests, and Branches correctly
Tasks for this Sprint
For this sprint, each group needs to do the following:
Prepare your team repo for Sprint 2. You may use your code from Sprint 1 if it runs and is feature complete, or you may copy the code form the
repo into your team repo. We will be using the samecs361fall2018/project-X
repository during Sprint 2, so if you choose to copy code from thecs361fall2018/sprint2
repository you will need to research how to overwrite your previous code. -
Decide on a target platform and layout for your application, as well as a description of the user you are targeting. This will inform your design. Designing for a vertical iPad layout is very different than a 16:9 laptop screen. The input method also will inform design decisions. The type of user you are targeting will also influence things. You should record these design details in a Wiki page on your team repository.
Create 3 different designs per team member on paper. Each team member should come up with 3 different designs for the application. These should be hand drawn on paper. One drawing per sheet of paper. Each drawing should be labeled with the authors name. You will turn in these drawings as a part of this assignment, by scanning and adding them to the Wiki pages on your team repository. Remember, you are each creating 3 different designs.
As a group choose the 3 best designs. As a group, you should vote the three best designs that you like from all the paper prototypes; if your in a team of 4 that means choosing from 12 designs, a team of 3 can choose from 9 designs. You need to mention why the team chose these 3 designs. Put this information (which was voted in and why) in the wiki page.
Merge the best ideas from top 3 designs into a single paper prototype. Work together as a group to create a new paper drawing that incorporates the best ideas from the 3 top choices. For this last one, you will need to turn in three different versions of the same design. This one "best" design should be drawn three times, once in each of the following states:
- Regular: This is how it will look when the user is in the middle of playing a game.
- Blank: This is how it will look when the user starts a new game.
- Error: This is how it will look when the user tries to do an illigal ship placement or attack.
As a group analyze the usability of your prototype. On a separate Wiki page, describe your (sprint2) prototype according to Nielsen's 5 quality components of usability (link). For each of the quality components, describe how your prototype addresses that component. If a component is not pertitent to your prototype, specify why that component is not applicable to your prototype.
Implement the code for your paper prototype as new interface for your application. This will include:
- Divide work up so that each team member has at least one task.
- Input tasks into Github Issue Tracker, and assign each team member at least one task.
- Each team member should write implementation code in a feature branch
- Each team member should have at least one pull request
- Each team member should make a constructive comment on another team members' pull request
Tag the final version with
. Don’t forget to push the tags to GitHub, withgit push --tags
. This is the version we will grade! -
(Optional) Complete this survey to give feedback regarding your team member's contribution to the sprint. Complete one survey for each team member you would like to give feedback for.